Tuesday, January 3, 2012

25 Weeks :)

The 'bump' is finally really starting to pop out! 
25 Weeks along :) Most people are baffled when I tell them I'm like 6 months.. Especially during the day, it seems my baby bump isn't as prominent as it at night a lot of times. I don't know if my muscles just relax more at night, or the baby moves to a different position, or what, but it's always bigger at night.

So here's where we are at:

How far along:  25 Weeks

Total weight gain: 12 lbs. +-

Gender / Name Ideas:  Surprise on Gender! No concrete names yet

Maternity Clothes: Most definitely have to wear maternity pants. I need maternity sweaters. I bought a few clearance long sleeve shirts at Target, but I definitely need more maternity shirts or extra long shirts. My long torso, plus the belly is making everything I have tight, or really short and it looks stupid.

Baby Bump:  Starting to pop and actually look more 'pregnant' than just beer belly. lol. I think that because this is my first, and my muscles aren't already stretched, and I'm tall, with a long torso, I have a lot of room and the belly isn't popping out as much as most women at 6 months. But it's getting noticeable, especially at night.

Best Moments this Week: Feeling what I think are hiccups. Pretty cool feeling. Every time I feel the baby it's a cool feeling. The other night my step daughter finally got to feel it. She had her hand on my belly, waiting for a kick, and kept thinking she was feeling something, but I told her, just wait, you'll know for sure when you feel it. Then, Bam!.. Her eyes lit up and she says "whoa, I felt that!" That was fun. I still love laying down at night to read and getting totally distracted watching the water aerobics show.

Things I Miss: My husband and I went out Friday night to celebrate New years, since we didn't want to get out on New years, for all the craziness. It was fun. I can't say that I totally miss drinking like a fish, but I do miss the occasional cold Bud Light.. lol. 
I miss being comfortable bending over. I might not even be showing much, but there's a lot of pressure when I bend over, and at work, it's a little harder than normal. I haven't totally cut out coffee, but I do have to watch my intake.

Movement: Tons! Definitely a pattern developing. Mornings are cool, lying in bed feeling the baby move around. And randomly throughout the day. Always at night.  I have a feeling I'm going to have a night owl on my hands. lol. 

Food Cravings / Aversions:
I just want food in general. Constantly and a decent amount. lol. But no specific cravings really. Nothing out of the ordinary for my general weird eating habits. lol. I've always had odd cravings, randomly, so nothing new there. Last week I really wanted some cake. Not totally normal for me. Really I wanted some Tres Leche cake, or white cake with vanilla ice cream.
I don't really have any aversions. Though I'm not totally loving everything I cook for dinner, mostly that's because I made it. I haven't really wanted roast, like pot roast or anything. Last time I made it, I didn't want it. But not to the point where it makes me queasy.

Random things I'm experiencing:
Slight back pain randomly. I think the baby moves around and might be hitting a nerve in my lower back / sciatica-like feelings. Nothing awful and not all the time.
I think I randomly feel Braxton Hicks contractions. I was looking up some of the 'symptoms', if you will, online and it coincided with Braxton Hicks. Just slight, mild cramping in my lower abdomen that lasts for about 30 secs to a min, and mostly only after I've had to go pee, and held it. But I don't even get these but randomly, rarely.

Looking Forward to:
 We have an appointment with my midwives next week sometime.. (had to be rescheduled because I forgot to request off for work, and of course got scheduled for that day).. but they are going to give me an ultrasound order so I can get it scheduled. We'll probably go to a dr/hospital for the ultrasound. But I'm quite thrilled over it. I can't wait to see the baby. Not the little boy or girl parts, just the baby. lol

Birth Plan Notes:
Still going with the home birth/Midwives and hopeful Water birth. I need to make a list of other things that are important to make note of.. and maybe even start getting things together. We haven't done much in this area yet :/

Baby Items/Room:
Haven't done much in this area yet either. I need to get the baby room cleaned up, but since we're planning on having the baby in the bedroom with us at first, I'm not in a hurry. I do plan to start picking up things like diapers/wipes on sale, etc. We have a few things, but need to do a registry. Maybe this month! lol

Other Randomness:
I think I'm getting jipped on the "long nails and luscious locks" part of this deal. lol. I don't see any changes in my hair and my nails still look like crap. lol. Of course, I'm sure work doesn't help my nails, but still. But I'll take that over any of the other crappy things some women experience!

I need to get my sleep schedule rearranged. I've been up so late lately because of my holiday work schedule, and have been sleeping in so late and end up wasting most my days off. :(

Ok. That's good for now. :)
Happy New Year!

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