Monday, December 19, 2011

I have to Potty - Pregnancy @ 23 weeks

How Far along:
Depending on which official 'due date' I use, I'm officially, unofficially 23 weeks today. Since the actual expected date is not official, my emails send me updates on Sundays..
Today was quite productive... after I rolled out of bed at 11:30am.. however in my defense, I was at work last night until 1am, and probably didn't get to sleep until around 2am.. so, considering that, I think 11:30 was ok. I also had to get up at 5 or 6 am to potty.. of course, that's become a ritual, as well as 8am, when my pup Turk tells me it's time for him to go outside.

So basically, not much has changed in the last week as far as the pregnancy goes.

Food Cravings/Aversions:
 I still LOVE food, and there's not much of it that I don't like right now. I'm not really having any aversions, outside of my normal picky eating habits. And I'm not having any particular cravings, outside of my abnormal eating habits I've always had. Cereal at night has always been a semi-regular occurrence for me, and that hasn't changed much.

Vitamins/Supplements, etc:
This past week I've been making a point to add greens and sources of iron to my diet, along with some sort of Vitamin C to help my body absorb the iron, as I've read that helps. Hopefully.
I've also been taking Vitamin B regularly, along with the liquid Cal-Mag (which tastes like yummy good strawberry yogurt!) So far the leg cramps have seemed to subside. Thank the Lord.

Back to today..
It had been on my mind lately to move my bedroom around, but I wasn't sure if I'd actually do it. Well.. today I couldn't resist the overwhelming urge to actually get it done. So I did. Thankfully the bed frame is on wheels, which makes moving the bed very easy to do. Its all moved around and I love it.. and hopefully will for a while. I've always been a bedroom-mover-arounder. Ever since I was little, I can remember cleaning my room and moving the bed, dresser, etc around. My husband knows I'm a nutso. Oddly enough, today he actually encouraged me to move it around. lol. I guess he knows I'm going to do it anyways.

It's the week before Christmas. Can't believe how quickly it's going by. I have some major crochet work to get finished the next couple days. I worked a bit on some tonight. I'll share when it's done. The pattern is very pretty, however, it's a bit intricate and a lot more time consuming. In the future, I probably will rarely use the same pattern, unless I sell it online for a lot of money to make it worth it.

Ope.. there's a baby in the belly and it's kicking me for attention..
time to lay here and watch :) I love this part!

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