Friday, December 9, 2011

Too early for a real topic

I think that the weather has officially changed over to cold. We had about a week of cold, then it basically turned warm again for the last couple weeks and we've been spoiled with warmth. But I think that's finally over and it's going to be cold from here out. I'm ok with this I guess. I do love wearing my boots, sweaters, and scarves and not sweating to death in the afternoon. 

We do however need to get our heat up and running. With this new(er) air conditioning unit we put in this summer, we haven't been able to get it to fire the heat up, so we have to call out the guy and pay up :( We've been able to get by with the little bit warmer weather just fine, because it's basically been only chilly at night and in the mornings. Now it's getting quite a bit colder overnight. The fireplace does wonders for warming up the house fairly well, but it's a little too cold until it kicks in. So unfortunately I guess it's time to bite the bullet and fork out the money. Kind of cuts into Christmas fund and Fun Money fund....
 Really this means I may not put up my big tree this year. Maybe I'll do a smaller one, maybe I won't do one at all :( I know, sad times. It's not that awful. I have a small tree I can put up on the table in the living room and make it look cute, along with the decor I've already put out, and we'll be festive. We'll see. It's not the end of the world if we don't get one this year. My husband's daughter will be going out of town with her mom for Christmas at some point, and I know we're not having any other guests over for anything special. Next year will be totally different. We'll have his daughter, and we'll have a brand new baby. So if we skip out this year, I can look forward to making up for it next year. Which is going to be totally overly crazy exciting!! My first baby, and baby's first Christmas!!! :)

I had yesterday off work (yay!!), today and tomorrow too!! What ever am I going to do with myself?! I had a great day yesterday. I actually woke up and got out of bed by 8:30am! I know, I couldn't believe it either! I was motivated! I'm up early this morning, getting my step-daughter up for school.. not sure yet if I'll end up back in bed for a bit. If I stay up, I could go to the Yoga class this morning. I need to go. I'm just not overly motivated to go outside in the cold just yet, but maybe some food, warm clothes and a good hot cup of coffee could fix that, or at least help a little. It's a little difficult to stay up and out here in the living room when I know there's a warm heated bedroom with a nice warm cozy bed just a few steps away.

Well I'm typed out for the moment, but I definitely have more posts to come shortly.. probably even later this morning when I rant about the school system/government and people's lack of personal responsibility. Not sure if I should even go there.. might get me too fired up!

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