Thursday, May 12, 2022

 So. Let's say it's been a minute since I've last "blogged"
Oh, how life has progressed. In a multitude of ways!
I believe my last blog post was some time in early 2012 maybe. I was pregnant for my first child. 

Annabelle was born at home on April 20, 2012 at 8:3(something) in the morning after about 8 hours of labor, in and out of the tub, and not too much pushing. It was a beautiful experience. We named her after she was born. Annabelle Lynn.

Life was a little crazy after that. At some point after Annabelle was born, we found out we were expecting another baby. Annabelle was around 7-8 months at that time. I miscarried that baby in December of 2012. Some time around June or July of 2013, we found out we were expecting another baby. Of course, I was emotionally apprehensive at this point. All went well with the pregnancy, and Elizabeth Joan was born at home on February 8, 2014 at around 2am after about a 4 hour labor in and out of a warm tub and she literally almost slid out, still in the birth sac as it broke open as she came out. That was a beautiful experience as well.

Fast forward a few years of crazy, crazy times....

We definitely thought we were done having kids.... the story of a lifetime.. after doing nothing to prevent that from happening.. so the story goes.. we were visiting Oklahoma family for Christmas and New Years in 2017. Long story shortened, we found out during that visit, that we would be having another baby. We told Grandad and Gramma Jody, and they were thrilled and of course, prayed for a boy, as Gramma had for several years. We did discover at the ultrasound that we would in fact be having a little Filkins boy, who we named Howard Thomas, after his Grandad Howard (Howdy) and my father, Thomas. His birth is a story for another time.. let's just say, at home, double-footling breech. Not desired. Not common. Not fun. But in the end, beautiful.

Fast forward 3 years and here we are in Southern Oklahoma at the Texas state line, living on 45 acres with family in a totally different world than we ever started in for all purposes.

Our (my husband's) oldest daughter still resides in Nashville-ish area attending a university. 

My how life has changed.

Today, I would say that online blogs are a thing of the past.. 
Today the trends are video snippets on TikTok. "Vlogs"

So. Here's me, behind the times, typing out an "old-fashioned" blog..
I still handwrite letters, envelopes, write checks, etc. I'm old. It's ok.

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